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Welcome to Tux2live Project


Tux2live is toolkit to build your Linux live environment from what you installed in hard disk and it's easy to customize and configure.



  • Tar package
StableStable version: Done forlots testing and bug fix, recommend for normal userTux@Sourceforge
TestingTesting version:Developing, testing versionTux@Sourceforge
PreviousHistory archiveTux@Sourceforge
ToolsRelated tools:Tools for integrade with Tux2live or other Live CD related toolsTux@Sourceforge

Recommend to uncompress the tarball file into the directory that have large space of partition

 $ tar xzvf  tux2live-x.x.x.tgz  -C /your/large.space/path

Otherwise, you can setup "output" and "temp" directory via "--outputdir" and "--tmpdir" parameters during executing command. Please visit HelpManual for more detail manual page of parameters

  • Source Code
    Use svn tool to extract source codes from Tux2live SVN repository.
 $ svn export https://free.nchc.org.tw/svn/tux2live/trunk tux2live

System required package

  • Packages:
    • rsync
    • squashfs-tools
    • mkiso
  • Kernel modules:
    • squashfs module
    • aufs/unionfs or dm_snapshot module

You can run ./tux2live -c to identify what packages are necessary but missed
* Please refer ReuqiredPackage to check necessary package


  • Display help message
    $ ./tux2live --help
  • To check if system environment be prepared all necessary component for tux2live )
    $ ./tux2live [-c|--checkenv]

The follow actions need "super user" privilege

  • Batch mode
    Batch mode(-b)。The easy way to start 。It would spend lot of time if you run this program first time.
 $ sudo ./tux2live -b
  • Assign tmp and output directory for tux2live, run scripts in batch mode and import user01 data into live system
    Assign 'tmp' and 'output' directory for tux2live, run scripts in batch mode (-b) and import user (user01) data into live system
 $ sudo ./tux2live -b --tmpdir /mnt/large_space/tmp --outputdir /mnt/large_space/output -I user01
  • Only rebuild root filesystem for live CD and re-create iso file named my-tux2live-cd.iso
    Only rebuild root filesystem for live CD and re-create iso file named my-tux2live-cd.iso
 $ sudo ./tux2live -b --mkrootfs --mkiso -o my-tux2live-cd.iso

Note :
You only want to update root filesystem of live system and rebuild the iso file if you have done before. Only use " --mkiso" to rebuild iso file if you onlu modify the boot parameter of isolinux. The advantage is system don't have to re-run every procedure from head. Of course , you have to make sure it has no dependency issue for each procedure.

Support Linux Distributions Lists

The follow lists are be tested and work fine under virtual/real machine :

  • Debian base (Support i386/x86-64 base):
    • Debian : Wheezy,Squeeze, Lenny, Etch
    • Ubuntu : 11.04(Natty Narwhal),10.10(Maverck Meerkat),10.04(Lucid Lynx),9.10(Karmic Koala),9.04(Jaunty Jackalope),8.10(Intrepid Ibex),8.04(Hardy Heron),7.10(Gutsy Gibbon),7.04(Feisty Fawn),6.10(Edgy Eft), 6.06(Dapper Drake)
  • RH/MDK like (Support i386 base):
    • RH like : Fedora 14/13/12/11/10/9/8/7/6, Centos 5.x, Scientific 6x/5x,
    • Mandriva: Mandriva 2010.x/2009.0/2008/2007.x, Megia 1 beta
  • Suse:
    • Not yet !!

Tux2live live CD/DVD sample:Packaged-CDs


Some live system sample packed vis Tux2live :



Introduction for Tux2live



Mailing Lists

<div style="float: right; margin-left: 1em"><a href="http://groups.google.com/group/tux2live" style="border: none"><img src=" height=58" width="150" alt="Google Groups"></img></a></div>

Suggest to search solutions in FAQ first

Change Log


Author would thanks great support by the follow people/organization

  • 花蓮縣網 蕭維紀老師
  • 樹德科技大學 洪朝貴 老師
  • 國家高速網路與計算中心 http://www.nchc.org.tw
