
This is a rough list of changes between released versions. To see where Trac is going in future releases, see the Roadmap.


  • Add:
    • Use initramfs-tool to create initrd for Debian base distributions
    • New Linux distributions support:
      • Ubutu : Natty/Maverick , Debian : Wheezy
      • Fedora 14, Mandriva 2010.x, Centos 5
  • Fix:
    • Unity 3D error message on Natty
    • pkill death issue in initrd session (Fedora/Mandriva serial )
    • Not enough extra space in Fedora/CentOS live environment


  • Fix :
    • ~tux2live/tux2live-mkrootfs
      • Make a symbolic link to match imported user home
    • ~tux2live/tux2live
      • Show warning message for importing user data


  • Fix :
    • ~tux2live/tux2live-function
      • Enhance kernel module detection method
      • Use -P parameter of "df" command to check free disk space
      • Add "aufs" options for future work


  • Fix :
    • ~tux2live/tux2live-mkrootfs
      • Fix user data import issue


  • Fix :
    • ~tux2live/conf/tux2live.conf
      • Add groups list parameter for import : _MKROOTFS_IMPORT_USER_GROUPS
    • ~tux2live/conf/tux2live-custom.conf
      • Add extra groups list that user expected : _MKROOTFS_IMPORT_USER_GROUPS_EXT
    • ~tux2live/tux2live-mkrootfs
      • get the import user's group to tux2live.conf in rootfs
    • ~tux2live/function/4debian/S10system_users
    • ~tux2live/function/4rh/S10system_users


  • Fix :
  • ~tux2live/function/4_debian/S23networking
    • Markup eth?, wlan? auth? in configuration file (it should be done at initrd stage)
  • ~tux2live/conf/tux2live.conf
    • add related net device module list into configuration parameter : _MKINITRD_INITRD_INSMOD
  • Add :
  • ~tux2live/initrd-live.skel/scripts/casper-bottom/42disable_apparmor (from Ubuntu live CD)
  • ~tux2live/cdimage.skel/syslinux : usage for to install it into USB or Harddisk
  • ~tux2live/initrd-live.skel/scripts/tux-patch/99fix_dbus_4nm_applet
    • prepare for some special situation (ex: in 1.0.0-rc9, net device module don't include at initrd stage )


  • Remove flpoppy module loading while initrd stage
    • Check ~tux2live/initrd-live.skel/etc/modprobe.d/isapnp and ~tux2live/initrd-live.skel/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
  • Fix Debian/Ubuntu reboot, shutdown issue
    • Use Debin live CD's casper script, check ~tux2live/function/4_debian/_scripts/casper-shutdown
  • Remove net card device recorder
    • /etc/iftab ,/etc/udev/rules.d/xx-persistent-net.rules, /etc/udev/rules.d/xx-net_config.rules (Mandriva 2008)
  • Add /dev/pts , /dev/shm in initrd script, check ~tux2live/initrd-live.skel/linuxrc-or-init line 28,29
  • Some bugs fix
    • casper script name that be copied into root fs


  • Add " ubuntu" in tux2live in case of different module path on Ubuntu 7.10
  • Remove floppy detect in initrd run time
  • Add pppoe cleaner post-procedure
  • Some bugs fix


  • Use Ubuntu Feisty initrd as template
  • Add ~/tool/tux2live-usplash-builder.tar.gz
  • Add usplash* files into initrdfs, make it work
  • Run time to copy\generate files into live CD skeleton during "--mkiso" process
  • Add kernel/drivers/message into initrd
  • Use absolute path for kernel and initrd in isolinux.cfg


  • Add "kernel/drivers/ata" modules in initrd for FC7 to auto-detect cdrom
  • Add "kernel/drivers/video" modules in initrd for usplash
  • Add "S22clean_sshkey" scripts at each post-run scripts poll


  • Add ~/initrd-live.skel/sbin/udevplug
  • Use new busybox (compiled as static) to replace lots of executable files in initrdfs
  • Bug fix: isolinux.cfg. Add "Debug mode" in isolinux.cfg
  • Add usplash* files into initrdfs, make it work


  • Add --drbl-mode
  • Bug fix: rsync --exclude options to avoid copying tux2live related data (tmp, output directory)


  • Add _TUX2LIVE_ROOTFS_METHOD [--rootfs_method [unionfs|dm_snapshot]] to let user to assign which method to make root filesystem
  • Smart way to determine which method to build root filesystem : for support more different distributions
  • Add check_system_env function to support more information about necessary packages or modules


  • Bug fix: check rules for $_TUX2LIVE_ENV_CHECK_STACKS
  • Add DEBUG_MESSAGE function : Usage : DEBUG_MESSAGE $show_message
  • Add WAIT_UNTIL_COMM function : Usage : DEBUG_MESSAGE $comm_lne
  • Use terminal highlight color
  • Change rules to use dm_snapshot method ,to make it works at distros what don't support unionfs but dm_snapshot
  • Add [-p| --purge] parameter to clean up tmp/input files
  • _MKROOTFS_ROOT_PATH use list by list , enhance to combind with tux2live-custom.conf or suit for other requirement , ex: drbl
  • Add lots of 'how to' in tux2live-custom.conf


  • Add system environment check mode
  • Add $_TUX2LIVE_VERSION info into /etc/tux2live in live CD
  • doc/README, history


  • Clean /etc/rc.local in live CD mode


  • verbose mode
  • stop service method in rh-like distro


  • Add env_check function to check commands, modules, free spaces


  • Add squashfs,unionfs module into initrd
  • Add a speared line at CD boot menu


  • Fix screensaver lock issue


  • Add commands_check before to run any parts of tux2live function


  • Add disable xscreensaber in ~funtions/4_rh
  • sudo check


  • Add check if program do user data import


  • fix xserver autologin in ~/function/xserver autologin


  • add --exclude when import user data
  • fix ~/tux2live-mkiso bug


  • xserver autologin
  • 匯入指定user 設定: rsync -a /home/xxx /home/livecd